Synthetic Observables of Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager Irina Kitiashvili ( Synthetic observational data of the FeI line (6173A), which is the operational wavelength of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), represent 3D maps of solar patches at 0 degrees (disk center), 30, 45, 60, and 75 degrees to the limb. Each directory includes data sets of approximately 8 hours duration at a 45 sec time cadence. The model and additional synthetic data set can be extended on request. The data include Stokes I profiles computed for the reference line of 6173.3352 Angstrom (from NIST Atomic Database Lines Data); 256 data points across the spectral line are included, covering a range of +/- 0.75 Angstrom from the reference wavelength. The spatial resolution is 100km. The Stokes profile data set was obtained using the SPINOR code (Frutiger et al. 2000). The corresponding continuum-intensity data sets for the corresponding angular distances are: r80x25z1_18rays_Ic_6173A_19643-20282dcube_00deg_45s.fits r80x25z1_18rays_Ic_6173A_19643-20282dcube_30deg_45s.fits r80x25z1_18rays_Ic_6173A_19643-20282dcube_45deg_45s.fits r80x25z1_18rays_Ic_6173A_19643-20282dcube_60deg_45s.fits r80x25z1_18rays_Ic_6173A_19643-20282dcube_75deg_45s.fits For computing the synthetic data, hydrodynamic simulations were used. In the radial direction, they cover the 25 Mm of the uppermost layers of the convection zone and 1 Mm of the atmosphere. The horizontal size of the simulation domain is 80 x 80 Mm. These results were obtained using the StellarBox code (Wray et al., 2015, 2018) using the solar rotation rate at 30 degrees latitude in the F-plane approximation. The model is described in Kitiashvili et al. (2022). References: Frutiger C., Solanki S.K., Fligge M., Bruls J.H.M.J. 2000. Properties of the solar granulation obtained from the inversion of low spatial resolution spectra. A&A 358, 1109-1121. Kitiashvili I.N., Kosovichev A.G., Wray A.A., Sadykov V.M., G Guerrero G. 2022. Leptocline as a shallow substructure of near-surface shear layer in 3D radiative hydrodynamic simulations. MNRAS, stac2946. ArXiv:2203.01484 Wray A.A., Bensassi K., Kitiashvili I.N., Mansour N.N, Kosovichev A.G. Realistic simulations of Stellar Radiative MHD. In Book: "Variability of the Sun and Sun-like Stars: from Asteroseismology to Space Weather". Eds: J.-P. Rozelot, E.S. Babaev, EDP Sciences, 2018. p.39-62. Wray A.A., Bensassi K., Kitiashvili I. N., Mansour N. N., Kosovichev A. G. 2015. Simulations of Stellar Magnetoconvection using the Radiative MHD Code StellarBox. ArXiV: 1507.07999.