Query Page

Please visit the help page for tips and a video on how to use this query tool.

Time Interval (available Jan 01, 2002 to present):

X coord:   from arcsec to arcsec
Y coord:   from arcsec to arcsec

Threshold distance from the Solar limb: arcsec
(Note: currently Solar radius is assumed to be 975 arcsec without annual variations.)

Distance from the Solar center: arcsec
Note: currently Solar radius is assumed to be 975 arcsec without annual variations.)

From:   to:

Selected filters will remain active when hidden.
When multiple sources are selected, the query returns only the selected events that are available in all of the selected sources.

GOES Flare Catalog

Select Max Temperature Range:

From Temp: MK
To Temp: MK
(Note: The Temperature and Emission Measure maxima are calculated using the TEBBS algorithm in an autonomous way. They may be inaccurate for flares < C1.0.)

Select Max Emission Measure Range:

From EM: 1049 cm-3
To EM: 1049 cm-3
(Note: The Temperature and Emission Measure maxima are calculated using the TEBBS algorithm in an autonomous way. They may be inaccurate for flares < C1.0.)

Select Flare Goes Class Range:

From Class:
To Class:
(Examples: B5.0, C3.8, M8.1, X5.2)

Select GOES Flare Duration:

From: s
To: s

Select Goes Flare T-EM Delay

From: s
To: s
(Note: The Delay is determined as the difference between Emission Measure and Temperature peak times.)

RHESSI Flare Catalog

Select Energy Range:

From: keV
To: keV

Select Duration Range:

From: s
To: s

Select Peak Range

From: counts
To: counts

Select Observational Quality Flags:

HEK Flare Catalog  (AIA events only)

Select AIA Channel:

From Channel:

Select Peak Flux Range:

From Flux: erg/cm2s
To Flux: erg/cm2s

Fermi GBM Flare Catalog

Select Duration Range:

From: s
To: s

Select Peak Counts Range:

From: counts/s
To: counts/s

Select Total Counts Range:

From: counts
To: counts

Hinode Flare Catalog (time interval: 2006-11-01 to 2016-07-31)

Select Minimum Number of SOT FG Images:

Minimum # (SOT FG):

Select Minimum Number of SOT SP Images:

Minimum # (SOT SP):

Select Minimum Number of XRT Images:

Minimum # (XRT):

Select Minimum Number of EIS Images:

Minimum # (EIS):

Filament Eruption Catalog (time interval: 2010-04-24 to 2014-10-19)

Select Time Prior to the Filament Eruption:

Time: hours
(Note: The flares within the hours prior to the filament eruption will be searched; the filament records will be added to these flares. The default is one hour.)

Select Extension Of The Filament Coordinate Box:

Time: arcsec
(Note: All bounds of the standard filament box given in the catalog will be extended for the provided distance. The default is 250 arcsec.)

Select Arbitrary Interest Rating:

(Note: The arbitrary interest rating varies from 1 to 5. A rating of -1 corresponds to a duplicate event.)

Select Filament Type:

Select Filament Eruption Type:

Select Filament Symmetry:

Select Filament Direction:

Konus-Wind Flare Catalog (time interval: 2002-01-01 to 2016-07-23)

OVSA Flare Catalog  (time interval: 2002-01-01 to 2003-12-31)

Expand OVSA Event Time Range:

Bidirectional expansion for:  min

EOVSA Flare Catalog (time interval: 2017-01-25 to present)

Expand EOVSA Onset Time Range (10 minutes by default):

Bidirectional expansion for:  min

CACTus CME Catalog
The CME association is currently based on the CME onset time, and the flare start time and end time.

Select The Search Time Interval Relative To The Flare Start And End Times (In Minutes):

Start the search minutes before the flare start time
Stop the search minutes after the flare end time
(Note: The CME will be linked to the flare if its onset is in the selected diapason.)

Select Liftoff Time:

From: h
To: h

Select Principal Angle:

From: degrees
To: degrees
(Note: The principal angle is measured counterclockwise from north.)

Select Angular Width:

From: degrees
To: degrees

Select Median Velocity:

From: km/s
To: km/s

Select Min Velocity:

From: km/s
To: km/s

Select Max Velocity:

From: km/s
To: km/s

Select Halo Type:

IRIS Observations Of Flaring Regions
IRIS filters cannot be applied for the events with missing position and AR information. These events are ignored if the filter is switched on.

Expand IRIS FOV Box For:

848484 FOV all-direction expansion for: arcsec

Select SJI Channels To Be Observed:

SJI Number Of Images:

From: images
To: images

Select Desired Raster Modes:

Select Number Of Slit Positions In One Raster:

From: positions
To: positions

Select Raster FOV (Distance Between First And Last Slit Positions):

From: arcsec
To: arcsec

Select Raster Cadence (Time Needed To Cover All Slit Positions):

From: s
To: s

Select Raster Lines:

C Ii 1335 C Ii 1336 Si Iv 1403 Mg Ii 2796 Mg Ii 2803 Fe Xxi 1354

Nobeyama RP Observations (time interval: 2010-01-01 to present)
DONKI Space Weather Database  (presented for 2010-01-01 - 2018-04-23) With directly-linked CMEs With directly-linked SEPs

SPE NOAA CATALOG  (presented for 2002-01-01 - 2019-04-15): SPE flux


From :pfu
To      :pfu