Pluto's beating heart regulates the atmospheric circulation: results from high resolution GCM and multi year simulations ********* Variables ********* u : zonal wind (m/s) v : meridional wind (m/s) phisinit : surface geopotential (m2/s2) ps : surface pressure (Pa) temp : atm temperature (K) tsurf : surface temperature (K) albedo : surface albedo n2_iceflux : condensation rate of N2 (kg/m2/s) haze10_col : column mass of haze particles (kg/m2) haze10_surf : surface mass of haze particles (kg/m2) ********* Files ********* 3sols_2015_haze : 3 sols in 2015 with grid 96x72 and haze particles lifted from the northern regions of Sputnik. for Figure 14-15 albedo_maps : albedo maps grid 96x72 for Figure 1 multi-year_simulation : multi year GCM, starting in 1988, grid 32x24 for Figure 8-11 reference_simulation_HR : scenario 3 grid 96x72 with different albedo for N2 ice in SP between North and South for Figure 16 difference of 0.1 difference of 0.05 + references simulation, 1 sol in 2015, grid 96x72 for Figure 2-7 +12 scenario 1: noband scenario 2: 1band scenario 3: 2band year2015_haze : one Earth year, 2015, grid 32x24 for Figure 13