SMODE_MITgcm ONLINE DATAPOOL ----------------------------- Datapool readme file, last updated 2020-March-01. DATA STATUS & RELEASE CADENCE ----------------------------- All products are considered provisional and subject to change. Products are intended to facilitate data exploration and process studies that do not require rigorous validation. These data may be partially validated and improvements are continuing; quality may not be optimal since validation and quality assurance are ongoing. SMODE_MITgcm products are currently be update. The release cadence is expected to increase with future product and process improvements. DATA DESCRIPTION --------------------------- A subset of data extracted from a high-resolution simulation of the Central part of the California Current. * Parent model: MITgcm. More details see model_description document in README/ * Horizontal resolution 500 m * 40 vertical levels * Hourly data Each NETCDF-file contains a three-dimensional matrix (x, y, z) accompanied by Longitude, Latitude and depth (meters) coordinates. Variables extracted: THETA, SALT, PotDens, UVEL, VVEL, WVEL, RelVort, HorDiv, Strain. All variables were collocated at grid points of THETA. DATA DIRECTORIES ------------------------- * SMODE/data/THETA o Potential temperature [Celsius] * SMODE/data/SALT o Salinity * SMODE/data/PotDens o Potential density [kg m-3] * SMODE/data/UVEL o East-West velocity component [m/s] at THETA point locations * SMODE/data/VVEL o North-South velocity component [m/s] at THETA point locations * SMODE/data/WVEL o Vertical velocity [m/s] at THETA point locations * SMODE/data/RelVort o Relative vorticity at THETA point locations * SMODE/data/HorDiv o Horizontal divergence at THETA point locations * SMODE/data/Strain o Strain rate deformation at THETA point locations FILE NAMING CONVENTIONS ----------------------------- For all SMODE_MITgcm products, the following naming convention is used: : SMODE acronym of Sub-Mesoscale Ocean Dynamic Experiment : mitgcm : name of variable, e.g., THETA, SALT : Year-Month-Day, e.g., 20120401 : Hour-Minute (UTC time), e.g., 2030 COMMUNITY AND SUPPORT ------------------------------- For specific support questions and issues with the data products and/or and include "SMODE_MITgcm" in the subject line.