Solar flares are the most powerful events in the heliosphere.
Solar Flare Energy
The energy stored in non-potential magnetic fields of solar active regions...
Solar Flare Energy
…becomes suddenly released in a matter of minutes, generating high-energy particles, coronal mass ejections, and radiation covering the whole diapason from radio to gamma.
Solar Flare Observatories
Many ground-based and space-based instruments detect and observe solar flares in an attempt to understand underlying physical mechanisms (Illustration: NASA).
Interactive Solar Flare Database
The Interactive Multi-Instrument Database of Solar Flares integrates records from various flare lists and catalogs, and allows the user to select the flare events based on their physical characteristics, …
Solar Flare Light Curves
...explore quick-look light curves from different instruments for each uniquely-identified event, …
Solar Flare Exploration
...see flare images and observational coverage summary, find similar events, and much more!
The fundamental motivation of the project is that the scientific output of solar research can be greatly enhanced by better exploitation of the existing solar/heliosphere space-data products jointly with ground-based observations.
Our primary focus is on developing a specific innovative methodology based on recent advances in "big data" intelligent databases applied to the growing amount of high-spatial and multi-wavelength resolution, high-cadence data from NASA's missions and supporting ground-based observatories.
Our flare database is not simply a manually searchable time-based catalog of events or list of web links pointing to data. It is a preprocessed metadata repository enabling fast search and automatic identification of all recorded flares sharing a specifiable set of characteristics, features, and parameters.
The result is a new and unique database of solar flares and data search and classification tools for the Heliophysics community, enabling multi-instrument/multi-wavelength investigations of flare physics and supporting further development of flare-prediction methodologies.