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The Exajet is an Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) dataset. The simulation models half of a large civilian transport, split on the left-right symmetry plane (also known as "semi-span"), flying in a landing configuration (landing gear and flaps down). The particular type of AMR used in this simulation is similar to an octree, but without a single root, sometimes referred to as a "forest of octrees". There are 656 million hexahedra in the mesh and 423 snapshots in the time series. The mesh topology does not change over the time series. The solution provides density and velocity components associated with each hexahedron in the mesh (sometimes referred to as "cell centered" data). This dataset was produced by the PowerFLOW CFD solver and is provided courtesy of Dassault Systèmes for visualization research purposes. Please acknowledge Dassault Systèmes for their generosity in your publications.