Dataset Owner Description Updated
Dataset Owner Description Updated
ECCO Dimitris Menemenlis Mar 01, 2021
Mars Climate Modeling Center Melinda Kahre Oct 07, 2021
qFlex Simulations Salvatore Mandra Jun 28, 2019
GeoNEX Weile Wang Feb 17, 2021
Pluto Sputnik Tanguy Bertrand Dec 06, 2019
SMODE Hector Torres Gutierrez Mar 17, 2020
VELA Generation 3 & 6 Halo Catalogs Sean Larkin Apr 23, 2020
Carbon Cycle Science Junjie Liu Carbon-climate interaction datasets Aug 27, 2020
Heliophysics Modeling & Simulation (HMS) Irina Kitiashvili Jun 29, 2020
Viz Chris Henze Jun 12, 2020
Venus Solar Wind Interaction Stephen Ledvina Jul 28, 2020
FUN3D Retropropulsion Patrick Moran Oct 08, 2020
Titan GCM Claire Elaine Newman Dec 16, 2020
Cart3D Michael Aftosmis Dec 08, 2022
Exajet Patrick Moran Jul 23, 2021
NASA Ames Global Hyperspectral Synthetic Data Weile Wang Aug 30, 2021
21st Century Shortwave Radiances and Fluxes Daniel Feldman Apr 26, 2022
Cart3D Triceratops Patrick Moran Oct 07, 2022
2D Pic Simulation of Relativistic Plasma Turbulence Vadim Roytershteyn Nov 14, 2022
AI-3000K Infrared Line List for Hot CO2 Xinchuan Huang Dec 05, 2023
GDDP-IMPACT Taejin Park May 12, 2023
GEOS/ECCO Dimitris Menemenlis Sep 18, 2023
ECCO 1/48th Degree Ocean Simulation Visualizations David Ellsworth Sep 18, 2023
DYAMOND Ocean-Atmosphere Simulation Visualizations David Ellsworth Sep 18, 2023
NEX-DCP30-CMIP6 Bridget Thrasher Mar 21, 2024
SWIFT 5d0M_Earth tar snapshots Jacob Kegerreis Sep 13, 2024

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