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TitanWRFTitanWRF global climate model output for one Titan year. ...

These files contain TitanWRF output from the primary simulation described in Newman et al. Icarus 2011 "Stratospheric superrotation in the TitanWRF model," doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2011.03.025

The TitanWRF model was run for one year at a grid spacing of 5.625° longitude x 5° latitude, with the 54 vertical layers given in Newman et al. (2011) (which result in an effective model top of ~400km, although there is Rayleigh damping in the top 4 layers thus the 'trusted' model top is closer to 350km).

Output is every 3 Titan hours, where a Titan hour is 1/24th of a Titan solar day. The model is already 'spun up' to have a strongly superrotating equatorial stratosphere before this set of output is produced (it is actually the 76th year of a simulation that began with the model at rest, and the model becomes fully spun-up by year ~70).

A modified version of the McKay et al. (1989) radiative transfer code is used (Chris McKay, personal communication 2004-2006).

No surface topography or methane cycle is included in this simulation.

(See: https://aeolisresearch.com/papers/NewmanEtAl11.pdf. )

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